El domingo 29 de Enero se ha realizado el primer retiro del año de la Familia Idente de Terni (Italia), con la alegría de recibir a nuevas personas que se…
After more than two years of pandemic-related disruptions, teenage girls from the Bronx's Idente Youth program recently had the opportunity to participate in a life-changing retreat. The retreat, called Motus…
¡La Juventud Idente y las Misioneras y Misioneros Identes han estado presentes en la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud – Cracovia 2016! Con la presencia de cerca de 100 jóvenes…
Learning to dialogue and make decisions together as a path to peace is the guiding thread of the Manifesto that the World Youth Parliament (WYP) has presented today at the…
Despite the situation for we are going through with the pandemic, last December 21, the Idente missionaries together with the Idente Youth and Idente family of Navarra celebrated the traditional…
En el seno de la visita a Puebla del Presidente de nuestro Instituto, P. Jesús Fernández, y de la Superiora General, María del Carmen García Viyuela, el pasado 22 de…
La Juventud Idente en Saraphi, Chiangmai recientemente organizó un exitoso campamento de verano en su sede en Saraphi, Chiangmai. El campamento se llevó a cabo del 10 al 15 de…
On Saturday, June 15, the Open Doors Day was celebrated in the S. Pedro and S. Pablo de Soa University Parish, with the purpose of concluding the activities of the…