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Holiness is,
simply a matter of love.

A love united to a Christ who is in a state of love, of redemption.

Idente is derived from the Gospel command: “Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to all nations” (Mk 16:15).

It means to be a walker with Christ and to identify with Him, above all, in his confession of the heavenly Father.

The Institute Id of Christ the Redeemer, idente missionaries is an institute of consecrated life of pontifical right, founded by Fernando Rielo Pardal on June 29, 1959 in Tenerife (Spain).

The charism: to live holiness by means of a common ascetical and mystical exam.
Its apostolic mission: above all, the encounter with the youth and the dialogue with intellectuals for the defense of the revealed truth.
It is based on three evangelical principles:

I. The call to holiness: “Be holy as your heavenly Father is holy” (Mt 5:48).
II. The promotion of community life: “when two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt 18:20).
III. The priority dedication to the evangelizing mission: “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to all creation” (Mk 16:15).

Aspiration to holiness…

“‘Be therefore perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.'” (Mt 5:48)

…lived in common

“When two or more are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Mt 18:20)

Apostolic mission

“Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to all creation.” (Mk 16:15)

Defense of the Magisterio

Go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Mt 28:19-20).

I pray to God that the members of the institution will be characterized by joy, a joy in all things that is not like the fleeting joys of this world. I want them to grow with that mystical joy to such a degree that they see the earth from heaven and not heaven from earth.

Fernando RieloFounder Institute Id
Learn more about the life and work of Fernando Rielo

Postulation of the Cause


Digital archive

Watch here the documentary on the idente charisma

Be holy

(Directed by Catherine Mc Gilvray, New York – Yaoundé – Rome 2017)

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Idente Volunteers’ Three Kings visitation. Tala Hospital Leprosarium, Philippines
Idente Volunteers’ Three Kings visitation. Tala Hospital Leprosarium, PhilippinesAsiaNewsPhilippines

Idente Volunteers’ Three Kings visitation. Tala Hospital Leprosarium, Philippines

Forty-three Idente Youth volunteers from Manila, Philippines, guided by the light of the start (Tala means “start” in Tagalog), found the presence of Christ in every leprosy patient at the…
Visit of the Three Kings to needy families in the Philippines
Visit of the Three Kings to needy families in the PhilippinesNewsPhilippines

Visit of the Three Kings to needy families in the Philippines

“How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace and happiness, who proclaim salvation and proclaim to Zion, “Your God is king!”…
Music for a Mission: Idente Philippines Holds First Fundraising Concert
Music for a Mission: Idente Philippines Holds First Fundraising ConcertNewsPhilippines

Music for a Mission: Idente Philippines Holds First Fundraising Concert

The Identes Missionaries of the Philippines held their first fundraising concert titled “Songs for Baby Jesus: A Christmas Concert for our World Missions” last Dec. 7, at the Miriam College…
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Identes in the world

Go with love to all,
because your life is a precious mission.

It is not a burden to bear, but a gift to offer.
Courage, without fear, let us go out to meet everyone!

Pope Francis

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Motus Christi

Idente Youth

Fernando Rielo

Genetic System

Idente Family

World Youth

Fondazione Idente
di Studi e di Ricerca

World Conference
on Metaphysics

"We lose our lives for love!", Pope Francis.
Holiness is mission. And the first mission is to help us love as Christ loves us.

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