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The traditional athenaeum continues despite the COVID en Navarra

By 31 December, 2020No Comments

Despite the situation for we are going through with the pandemic, last December 21, the Idente missionaries together with the Idente Youth and Idente family of Navarra celebrated the traditional Christmas Athenaeum with a difference: this year it was online, but with the same enthusiasm and joy as previous years. After the welcome greeting to the participants, the carol which has become the hymn of the Christmas Athenaeum “In every home a Bethlehem” was sung involving everyone. Afterwards, they played the different numbers that the participants had recorded in their homes and sent out previously. It was an afternoon where everyone shared the best they had, even though they were not very accustomed to using these technological media. Although fewer people attended than in other years, it is important to highlight the creativity and generosity that they showed because, in spite of the great obstacle they have due to their lack of technological knowledge, everyone participated and it was possible to enjoy the friendship and affection. The event concluded with the recitation of a poem of the Founder of the Idente missionaries, Fernando Rielo Pardal. They said goodbye with the hope and desire that next year we will be able to celebrate the Athenaeum in person. For the missionaries it was an afternoon of great faith and joy to be able to see people who, since March, had not connected to them because they thought that this online meeting was not possible. One more year they had the opportunity to show through the Athenaeum, the joy of the birth of the Child of Bethlehem.