What a joy to have been able to share the grace of the Motus Christi! This is the feeling that remained in all the young participants, coming from Bologna, Milan, Busseto and Fucecchio, during the three days of the retreat held in the city of Bologna from 17 to 19 May. It was a small group but the grace of Christ accompanied us with the same punctuality throughout the weekend. The meditations delved into the text of the Gospel of the disciples of Emmaus (Lk 24:13-35).
Our sister Monica Cuiza and the superior of the North of Italy, Carmen Timoneda, together with our brother Daniel Cardenas have guided us in this way to the side of Christ.
Our sister Monica has reminded us that we have to raise our eyes to recognize that He walks beside us and that He always says to us: “do not worry, I am at your side”. Only in this way will Christ be able to break in us all that is superfluous and useless.
But, “do we really feel needy of Him, or do we think we know everything?”, our brother Daniel asked us. Only in this way, begging him to “Stay with us, for it is already night”, do we open the door to an encounter with Christ.
As a conclusion, the superior, Carmen Timoneda, has invited us to live the dream that God has placed in our hearts, that flame that we cannot extinguish. But “we cannot enter our consciences alone,” said Carmen, “it is always necessary for someone to accompany us. Let us not suffer alone when we can suffer with Him, and let us not come down from the cross, remembering that the moment will come when He will say to us: “Peace be with you”. To dream of being with Him and when we are with Him to continue dreaming. We must look at Christ face to face; it is a personal story. Each of us is with Him a story of love.
We have contemplated this love story in each one of us through a look, a word, a tear. Now we have to set out so that Christ may continue to walk beside us, and together we may reach the marvelous dream of being saints.