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Our Father: song of love and victory

By 11 May, 2020January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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“Christ has triumphed: Why so much fear?” These words were a burst of hope in the hearts of the 150 participants in the virtual Motus Christi on Sunday 3 May.With the strength of those who immerse themselves each day in the Lord’s Prayer, a song of love and victory, Father Jesús Fernández, President of the Idente Missionaries, led us into the intimate recesses of our spirit that sin, unnatural and dysgenetic, leaves as if dead. And it is about the sixth petition of the Our Father: “Lead us not into temptation” on which he based his reflection. There is a difference between temptation and consent. When we offend our Heavenly Father a wall is put up before us and it is difficult to break it down, it is a poison that destroys us, so we have a great need of His mercy.

How can we then be freed from temptation and sin? Vigilance, willingness to change, continuous prayer, will make me see that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, light that is grace, energy from a Father who is within us, who acts effectively and does not allow us to be tempted beyond our strength. In the Amen, finally, there is the synthesis of our desires, I join the above. Thus, Christ gives me the hand to come out of the mud and transforms temptations into grace, vices into virtue. United to him in the Father, we are a free gift to others. A gift that we can all have if we let ourselves be loved.

Then there was the testimony of Augusto Cinelli, a married Idente missionary married from Arpino, about the wonderful discovery that one can be a saint in the midst of all the tasks of this world and the ordinary of daily life. He shared with us the beauty of knowing that we are always loved, forgiven and thought of by our Heavenly Father. It is a gift,” he said, “to be able to dedicate a little time to him every day, to do everything with him, with the support of the Eucharist and the Gospel, to be conformed to him, to overcome the reasons, the character to be reborn with his grace. To feel that we are in the Father’s heart, always loved.

A moment of silence and the charismatic touch enriched everyone’s life by nourishing the awareness of being a community of brothers and sisters. The sincerity and openness of hearts was impressive and moving. There were strong testimonies: from the fear of being loved by others, in the contrast between rationality and love, of a young woman from Milan; to the mystical experience of conversion, after a life of agnosticism of a Turkish university professor.

The intimate relationship with the Father shared by a woman who has always been close to the Church but who confessed the difficulty of seeing him, feeling him and colliding with her own human finitude in the pain of having lost a loved one. Understanding the words of the Lord’s Prayer in daily life was the desire of a couple from Varese.

The desire of trust, of abandonment in his hands and of transformation, of feeling the tenderness of the Father, his presence, his help to live earthly relationships are other feelings that emerged during the interventions of the participants.

And it is with this feeling of tenderness that we want to leave, waiting to meet again next week to share new and exciting ways of the Father in our hearts.