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EcuadorMotus Christi

Young people discover the Eucharist in the Motus Christi in Ibarra (Ecuador)

By 4 November, 2019January 3rd, 2023No Comments

In the Motus Christi held after the Idente Mission Ecuador  (October 27th and 28th) in Ibarra the presence of Christ was lived, who made this retreat something very special.

One of the young women said: “I learned from this retreat to love the Eucharist, because I thought that it was always the same and the same thing… and it is very long, it seems that it will never end, that is why I did not like to attend on Sundays, but now, I see that it is not so, these days I have helped in the elaboration of the petitions, I have felt part of it, and I have realized that it is always different, now I like it”.

Some young people said they were full of enthusiasm to continue, to continue training and to participate in our activities. One of the young women said, “How often do you hold retreats? Can I attend again? This manifestation introduced us to a Christ in mission, who no matter how much time and conditions pass, in his silence continues his work “making all things new”.

The immediate gift that our Heavenly Father left us was the positive response of the young people to get involved in many of our projects, among them, Idente Youth.