“Volta pagina!” (turn the page!): this is the name of the inter-parish mission that the idente missionaries have been promoting together with the diocesan priests of the parishes of the city of Arpino (province of Frosinone, two hours from Rome), from September 29 to October 8.
The protagonists of this mission week were the people of the parish community themselves. There has been intense moments of spirituality; evangelizing in the street; workshops for young people; artistic spaces; testimonies; visits to families and Eucharistic celebrations, all to make Christ known throughout the city.
On Friday, September 29 at 7:00 PM, the parish missionaries were sent away on their mission by the bishop, Msgr. Gerardo Antonazzo, during a Eucharistic celebration that took place in the Church of Saint Michael, on the main square of Arpino.
To prepare this mission, during the month of September, the missionaries of Rome and Arpino had been organizing formative meetings for all those who wanted to take on the commitment implied by this mission. The formation was both spiritual and organizational.
This initiative was received in a way that surprised everyone. Diocesan priests, religious, persons with missionary experience, people who have never heard of a mission, people more or less close to the Church, and above all the communion that has been created between the idente missionaries of common life and the married ones; it has been a wonderful grace, a huge gift to grow together in the “yes” to the call made by Pope Francis to the universal Church to live and transmit the joy of the Gospel.
We placed this parish mission of Arpino under the intercession of Mary, Mother of mystical life, with full trust in the prayer of all the missionaries and our friends for this apostolic work.

La piazza della Parrocchia di San Michele Arcangelo diretta dai missionari identes di Arpino