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Cardinal Carlos Osoro presides the Eucharist in Madrid for the 14th anniversary of the Passing of Fernando Rielo

By 9 December, 2018January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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It’s been already fourteen years since the passing into heaven of Fernando Rielo Pardal, founder of the Institute Id of Christ the Redeemer Missionaries and Idente Missionaries, on December 6, 2004 in New York. Today all over the world, this day is celebrated with joy and gratitude, celebrating Thanksgiving masses for the life of Fernando Rielo, as well as commemorative events about his work.

As could not have been otherwise, in the Crypt of the Cathedral of La Almudena in Madrid, where his remains rest, a Eucharist was celebrated that was presided over by the Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid, His Grace Carlos Osoro, and concelebrated by several priests friends of the institution and idente priests from various parts of Spain.

With this motive, idente missionaries from all over Spain gathered together with friends, family members and Idente family members to this celebration in which the Cardinal of Madrid thanked the work of Fernando Rielo as well as reminding his children of the mission they have inherited and that they must move forward for the good of the whole Church.

At the end of the Eucharist, both the celebrants and the audience went to the chapel where rest the remains of our Father Founder to pray a response. The scene was of a great solemnity when seeing in procession more than twelve priests presided by Cardinal Osoro and followed by all the assistants who after receiving the blessing recited the trisagio idente.

Before leaving D. Carlos agreed to a small interview in which he was asked about the contribution of Fernando Rielo and his words were:

“I believe that he does not have something, he has a lot to say, because his own mysticism, everything that he talks about … today we need that mysticism, which is what God gives in the encounter with Him, makes us leave ourselves and makes us be artists in life and poets of life; who are not beings that do not do anything in life, on the contrary, we give what this world needs. Because what this world needs most is art, it is sensitivity, it is knowing how to reach the heart. Poets and artists always reached the hearts of men. Today we marvel at their works; be pictorial, sculptural, be literary, we marvel because they continue to touch our hearts in their works despite the centuries that have passed or the years that have passed. It seems to me that Fernando Rielo has to say a lot because he in his writings, in his own personal life, in the very institution that he has made, he does not want simple strollers on this earth, he wants mystics to walk. Men and women who are able to give a face to God with their lives. ”

After the Eucharistic celebration and visit to the tomb of Fernando Rielo, an agape was offered in the facilities of the Information Office of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, during which the coexistence was enjoyed and a video was projected about one of the idente missions: the reconstruction of the Monastery of Santa Cruz (Tenerife), and then were heard the testimonies of three idente missionaries who resided there in the years of splendor of that place so emblematic for the Idente Institution and that were formed by Fernando Rielo. In order of intervention: Fr. José Mª López, Juana Sánchez-Gey and Fr. José Mª Sierra.

Nave central de la cripta llena de asistentes a la misa

Procesión de inicio de la Eucaristía

Procesión de entrada

Liturgia de la Palabra – Alexis Gaona, misionero idente

Liturgia de la Palabra – Belén Carreras, misionera idente

D. Carlos Osoro, cardenal arzobispo de Madrid, durante su homilía

Oración de los fieles por parte de Akemi Ponce, misionera idente

Oración de los fieles por parte de Felipe Roca, misionero idente

Momento del ofertorio realizado por varias misioneras identes de India

Durante la celebración eucarística.

Uno de los momentos de la celebración.

Nave central de la Cripta de La Almudena durante la misa

Momento en que el P. José María López Sevillano agradece al Cardenal D. Carlos Osoro

Sacerdotes asistentes ante la tumba de Fernando Rielo

D. Carlos Osoro, rezando un responso ante la tumba de Fernando Rielo

D. Carlos Osoro, rezando un responso ante la tumba de Fernando Rielo

Asistentes rezando el trisagio idente ante la tumba de Fernando Rielo

Entrevista a D. Carlos Osoro

Parte de los asistentes al ágape en la UTPL (Madrid)

Momento del testimonio de misioneros identes; al micrófono P. José Mª López

Testimonio de Juana Sánchez-Gey, misionera idente

Testimonio del P. José Mª Sierra, misionero Idente