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EuropeMotus ChristiSpain

UCAM of Murcia (Spain): 145 young people united in the Our Father

By 7 June, 2020No Comments

On May 9, 2020, the first Motus Christi on line was organized by our sister Isabel López Ruiz, professor at the Universidad Católica de Murcia (Ucam) for 145 of her students. She explained the meaning of the Motus Christi and to our Founder, Fernando Rielo, from whom the initiative of the Motus Christi, which is held all over the world, had originated. He greeted and introduced each of the participants who directed the online communities, our sisters: María Fernanda, Belén, Priscila, from Madrid; Elena, Akemi, from Salamanca; Angela and María del Carmen from Málaga, Loli from Granada and the missionaries Javier and Felipe from Madrid.

They welcomed the young participants from Madrid, our sisters Lourdes and María Jesús, who addressed some beautiful words to the young people. This sister has been coming to Murcia from Madrid for 10 years, for the Motus which is held at this Catholic University every month. As lessons, the two talks given by our president of the Idente missionaries, Fr. Jesús Fernández, about the Our Father, which he had recently given to the international Motus Christi, were displayed.

The testimony was given by our sister from Málaga, María del Carmen.

The program was carried out in the same way as the Motus Christi, which is a seminary with credits and is held at Ucam: on Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m:

10:30 am Presentation of our sister Isabel del Motus, and of each of the sisters and brothers who participated online and were received by the different university students.

10.45 am The Trisagio was prayed in the chapel (virtual image) of the University, directed by our sister Belén.

They were asked several questions about the lessons they were going to receive, so that by listening to them they could help them in their reflection and answer them.

What traits have you found in the Heavenly Father presented to us in the Lord’s Prayer?
Have you ever called God Daddy, Daddy?
Do you feel like a son or daughter of the Father who waits for you with all love to go to Him?
How is the Father’s love for us?
Why are the Eucharist and Reconciliation the expression of the greatest love for us?
11 h Lesson on the Our Father I

11am to 11.45am. Again we go to the University chapel “in a virtual way”

at 12:30 p.m. The communities were held.
12:30 to 12:45 A short break in which the song “Friend” of our Father and Founder was played

12:45-13:15. Lesson on the Lord’s Prayer II

1:15 p.m. We go to the virtual chapel

1:30 p.m. The communities were held.

From 14 to 15 There was a break for lunch in which “Rainy Flowers” were heard

From 3pm to 3.15pm The testimony of our sister from Málaga María del Carmen

15h 15 to 16. Charismatic Touch.

Presentation by our sister Angela of the volunteer activities in Málaga, of the World Youth Parliament by our sister María del Carmen.

16h 20 to 16h 30. Finally our brother priest Gabriel, after leading the prayer of the Our Father in common, from Madrid, gave the blessing to all.

This is an historic day, in which several delegations from Spain will participate and which is the beginning of many others that will take place, to make our charism known and to encourage young people in the love of our Father in Heaven and to awaken in them the desire to live a life of holiness. We are sure that it has brought and will bring many fruits.