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Everything ready to build the roof in the university parish of San Pedro and San Pablo, Soa

By 6 June, 2019January 3rd, 2023No Comments

We publish below the monthly letter of the Fr. Efrén Blanco, provincial superior of the Idente missionaries in Cameroon, where he informs the benefactors and friends of the Idente mission of the significant progress in the construction of the university parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Soa (Cameroon).

Parish of the University of Saints Peter and Paul of Soa – Cameroon
Yaoundé, 31 May 2019

Dear friends and benefactors: It is with great joy that we come to all of you with the news of the month of May.

With regard to the construction of the new church, we will tell you that all the beams and structures of the elevated levels are finished and this will allow us to place the roof. In the frontal part of the church the construction of the columns that will support the bell tower continues (we remind you that, in its interior, there will be a deposit for the water, very necessary structure in our environment, subject to numerous cuts of supply).

On May 26th we had the joy of seeing 30 of our youth receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from the bishop of the neighboring diocese of Obala: as is customary our youth were next to those of the University Parish of Yaoundé I, in whose church the Holy Mass was celebrated.
This month has been rich in activities in favour of the construction of the new church: On the 4th of May, our sisters and brothers from Mallorca, with artist friends, held an Artistic Solidarity Meeting and, for their part, the Sevillian town of Salteras, held its traditional Solidarity Rake, on the 18th and 19th of May, in its central square, presided over by its very beautiful parish church.

Count on our prayers for you and your families and we thank you for the interest and diffusion you give to our activities.