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Conference about mysticism, theology and philosophy in Berlin

By 13 July, 2019January 3rd, 2023No Comments

At the 6th of July the Idente Missionaries of Berlin had an conference on the topic: “mysticism – between theology and personal experience.”

First lecture was held by Dr. Fernando Real, procurador general of the Idente Missionaries and ex profesor of Physics at St. John’s University (NY), who presented the mystical anthropology of Fernando Rielo, highlighting how the genetic patrimony that we receive from the absolute marks our relationship with the divine persons. He explained the structure of human nature and the impact it has for each human being in terms of spiritual wealth. Doctor Cornelia Esianu, who was born in Romania and is actually teaching philosophy in Vienna, talked about “the Concept of mysticism by Friedrich Schlegel”.

Later, in personal conversation, we saw that there are parallels between Rielo and her author, since both take as a starting point and reference the Sacred Scriptures. Doctor Esianu expressed her interest in investigating this path, as well as in thinking about the possibility of organizing future conferences on the subject in Rumania.

Raphael Weichlein, a priest who is member of the neocatecumenal way in Berlin, who is actually realizing a doctorate in Innsbruck, explained the relevance of Maximus Confessor for the present theology. Another speaker, the writer and philosopher Josef Bordat, spoke about important aspects of Master Eckhardt for the mysticism in general. At last Mariele Nientied, professor at the Viadrina University (Frankfurt /Oder), explained the relation of mysticism and anthropology at Tugendhat.

The exchange with the professors showed the real interest among the theologians and philosophers of Germany and Austria for the mysticism and for the new anthropology of Fernando Rielo. All showed their desire to continue researching the subject and to keep in touch for future meetings.