We celebrated the Holy Mass at the Chapel of the Pastoral Center in Sarapee, receiving many graces. The main celebrant was our dear brother Thinnakorn Latoo. This time was special, on…
The Superior General of Idente Missionaries Fr. Luis Casasús, had several encounters with Asian youth on his last visit in Asia. In Thailand he met school and university students, talking…
Applying the Gospel to life, praying and living together are the keys to the monthly meetings of the idente family from Chiang Mai, a city 700 km away. north of…
This year the Idente missionaries in Chiang Mai (Thailand) celebrated Christmas in two places. Bishop, His Excellency Mons. Francis Xavier Vira, requested our assistance once again in Wiang Pa Pao,…
The Idente Missionaries of the Philippines felt immensely loved by our Heavenly Father through the life of Fernando Rielo, our beloved founder at the commemoration of the 13th anniversary of…
On Thursday, December 7, our sisters Salomé González Portela, Territorial Delegate of Delhi and Teensha Fernando, traveled to Guwahati, in order to visit the young people who had attended the…
Fourteen young girls from the slum area where Idente Missionaries do their weekly apostolic work, participated in their annual outing on October 29. This year they visited the San Beda…
“We are not walking alone”, with this certainty in our heart the Idente volunteers came back home after an excursion made on October 29 to Regina Rosarii, a Marian sanctuary…
In the month of October the Idente Missionaries in the Philippines initiated a series of gatherings for mothers titled “Be a Holy Mother” with the ideal of being holy. Participants…
On October 8, 2017 the Idente Missionaries in Thailand had in their residence of Saraphee the very first youth encounter with students of the Buddhist University called “Momorro”. Our brother…