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Immensely loved by our Heavenly Father

By 8 January, 2018January 9th, 2018No Comments

The Idente Missionaries of the Philippines felt immensely loved by our Heavenly Father through the life of Fernando Rielo, our beloved founder at the commemoration of the 13th anniversary of his passing to the house of our Heavenly Father.
The celebrations started on December 9 with the reading and reflection of the spiritual lesson written by our President, Fr. Jesús Fernández Hernández. His words were greatly edifying.
The following day, December 10 at 14:30 a solemn Mass was celebrated in our residence. The participants were members of the Idente Family together with their relatives, young people from the World Youth Parliament, Idente Volunteers, students from Our Lady of Fatima University where we are in charge of the Campus Ministry and the youngest group of all, the Idente catechumens and Idente youth. Approximately 90 persons attended.

The mass was celebrated by Fr. Felix Gatchalian and concelebrated by Fr. Allan Caermare, two priests, good friends of our Institution in Manila. Fr. Felix emphasized in his homily three important moments in Fernando Rielo’s life: the first, his deep intimate relationship with God since childhood and his life of prayer that, in imitation of our Mother Mary, God had prepared him in his whole being from the beginning to the end in order to carry out the mission that He entrusted to him later, and that is possible only with the grace of God. The second moment, the answer of Fernando Rielo to the mission he received even in the midst of the tribulations. It is an answer that has its origin in knowing how to listen to God. It was not an affirmative answer expressed only with words, but with all his life, his mind, his heart and his spirit, an answer until death. The third moment was his suffering, his illnesses, the testimony of his life full of trials, but at the same time of faithfulness.
Fernando Rielo’s life in our life -Fr. Felix said- means in practice, to be prepared to face every moment with obedience and faithfulness to God, and if we are faithful we will be fruitful like him. Fernando Rielo dedicated his untiring work especially among the youth and the defense of the faith, to apologetics among the intellectuals and everything in the framework of holiness so that everyone may be holy. This is the reason why the Idente Missionaries are working in the Philippines for which we have to pray for them always.
Immediately after the Mass ended, the attendees had the chance to share their artistic talents through the Athenaeum. Children, young people and not so young with a great enthusiasm offered their best talents in presentations that delighted all of us.
The celebration ended sharing an early evening meal.
In imitation of Fernando Rielo, we long for pleasing our Heavenly Father every instant and makes others happy with the certainty that “only pronouncing the word ‘Father’ will produce in us an immense tenderness”.