With enormous effort and great doses of apostolic creativity, our brothers and sisters from the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and France have made possible the great dream of being able to form a large group of young people who will participate in the Motus Christi International and the World Youth Day in Panama.
The Motus Christi will take place from January 17-20 in a beautiful retreat house called Aldea de Maria, which is in Capira, 75 km west of Panama City and belongs to the district of Panama. The place has the beautiful sign of being the seat of the Magnificat Community, founded under the spirituality of Medjugorje. Therefore, Mary will be the great protector of the whole retreat that will take place there. Probably, one will participate in some of the activities that the parishes of the place have planned within the so-called Days of the Diocese, which are always attached to each WYD. At the same time, the young people from the town of Capira have been invited, so it is hoped that some of them will participate.
From the 21st to the 28th of January they will be in Panama City to participate in all the programming of this 34th World Youth Day, which will be presided over by Pope Francis. Once again Mary will be the great protagonist of our stay in Panama since this WYD is celebrated under the motto “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word”.
The graces have not ceased to fall throughout this journey of preparation for WYD and now in its execution since it has been achieved that all the idente group is housed in the same parish of Panama, which bears the providential name of “Christ the Son of God”. There we will all be housed in families, who are waiting for us with open arms. Quite a luxury for a WYD.
We count on the unity and the intense prayer of all the great idente family distributed throughout the world for the fruits, surely unsuspected, that Providence has reserved for all this idente pilgrimage, both those who are in Panama and those who will live it mystically from every corner of the world.
There will be a great coverage of WYD in the social networks of Idente Youth and Idente missionaries. The hashtag for all of us to spread to the maximum this beautiful event of the Church will be #JMJidente2019