The idente missionaries had the joy of participating in the Conference of delegates and heads of Youth Ministry of Spain, convened by the Department of Youth Ministry of the Episcopal Conference of this country. It was celebrated from September 29 to October 1 at the Diocesan Seminary of Lugo, in Galicia, and members of the different congregations and movements, as well as the different Spanish dioceses participated. Representing our institution, was participating Ana Isabel Sánchez Vicente, Apostolic Councilor of the General Headquarters of the Idente Missionaries.
It was about a working meeting, based on the presentation “The Synod of young people illuminates our youth ministry”. After the presentation, five working-reflection groups were formed on the topics of interest for this pastoral: first announcement, accompaniment, discernment, creativity and pastoral agents. We participate concretely in this last group, given that pastoral agents are essential for the transmission of faith and for the visible presence of the Church. However, we will also collaborate actively in the other groups and lines defined by the Episcopal Conference, providing all the creativity and richness of our charism.
The sign of the unity between the different ecclesial realities and dioceses of Spain has been the main touch of the encounter, in which each one has managed to contribute his vision and ideas, from the beauty of his own spiritual experience and the charism, in order to work together for the evangelization of youth. The richness of the Church and of the charisms is huge… and the sign of unity is what eventually will make “the seed sown to bear much fruit”.