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The works of the Soa University Parish (Cameroon) continues to advance steadily

By 18 May, 2018January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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Letter from Father Efrén Blanco, provincial superior of the missionaries in Cameroon, with the news of the progress in the construction work of the Soa University parish and other news of the mission in Soa and Yaoundé.

Dear friends and benefactors: We are living this month of April with the Easter joy and that is what we wish all of you and your families.

In this month, the work of the new church is evolving day by day. On April 15, his Excellency the Ambassador of Spain came to participate in the Sunday Mass and then visited the construction; All this was a pleasant moment for him and his companions, as well as for the young people and our community.

In the current wooden chapel we had the joy of celebrating the marriage of two young students, Gertrudis and Esteban, who met in Soa and as a sign of trust in us they wanted to get married in our parish.

On April 29, Sunday, we celebrated the Parish Council: at the end of it we took a photo with the model of the new church, made by a former student of Soa and member of our parish. These young people are, as you know, the people who allow us to carry out all the work we do here.

Precisely one of those great young people, Cynthia, Idente Youth teacher for many years, has just left us. On April 10, she died in a tragic car accident, while carrying her one month old baby, whom she wanted to show her grandmother in the village. Her baby survived without any problem, because Cynthia protected him with her own body. We have no doubt that from now on she is interceding for her baby and for all of us.

Finally, we are glad that in Santander the Caritas diocesan has included us this year in the gesture of Lent and we appear in the piggy bank that is distributed in all the parishes of the diocese. Likewise, our communities of Palma de Mallorca have organized an artistic event, with the height that characterizes them, for May 5 and the collection will be for the work of the church of Soa.

Count on our prayers and we thank you for the interest and dissemination that you are giving to our activities.