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Heroes and Saints: Motus Christi for teenagers in Germany

By 18 November, 2019No Comments
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The first Motus Christi for teenagers took place in Germany on November 1st and 2nd. Thanks to the insistence of two young girls that asked for a meeting for them, about 15 young people came together from the surroundings of Berlin. The majority of the participants was non believing.

The topic of the Motus Christi was connected to the feast of the 1st of November, all saints day: Heroes and Saints. Through different activities we presented them everyday heroes looking at the relation with the saints and also they understood that they could be one.

We organized a scavenger hunt where they had to find little papers with names, fotos and information of various famous people that could serve as an example: Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Sophie Scholl, etc.

After the Mass of All saints day in which one boy played the piano and another one the guitar, the group was divided in different areas to prepare an atheneum. They presented poetry, a dance, theater, a song and music. We ended with a brief reflection and a song.

The next day the participants made a special “treasure hunt”. A missionary had a box and said that inside the box was a very important hero. The young people entered one by one into the chapel, and each of them discovered who this hero was. When they opened the box they found a mirror in which they saw themselves.

Another activity was that every teenager had a paper on his back on which the others had to write something positive about him or her. At the end, the paper was given to them as a diploma.

In the charismatic touch almost all of them expressed that they wanted to participate in another Motus Christi and asked for it to last more days. Surprisingly, many of the young people were most impressed by the holy mass.

We believe and hope that this encounter was only the beginning of many more that will help the young people to come closer to Christ with the desire to be saints.