Two Motus Christi took place at the S. Peters and S. Paul’s university parish SOA, one on April 4th and the other on April 10th. The talks were given by the Superior General of the Idente missionaries, Father Luis Casasús and by the Provincial Superior of the missionaries, Anne Daban. In total, more than 130 young people where present.
The themes were on prayer and they invited us to be aware that the Holy Spirit is the one who always takes the first initiative in prayer. Then they presented some psychological defense mechanisms like; justification, projection, which prevents our convertion … and the importance of discovering every day the face of the person that God presents to us so that we can take care of him or her.
The superiors equally emphasized on the importance of apostolic mission saying that the best service we can render is in sharing the best of my life with others, that is, my experience with God.
There were beautiful testimonies about trust in Christ, who always listens to us and about the strength of prayer, which is always effective. The program previewed conferences, personal prayer, confessions, communities, lunch all together, two testimonies, charismatic touch and final Eucharistic Celebration.
New communities are being created to allow the grace received to be lasting and growing.