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Solidarity Dinner in Murcia (Spain) for the University Parish of Soa (Cameroon)

By 12 November, 2019January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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On Friday November 8 was held at the restaurant El cuentavinos de Murcia (Spain) a solidarity dinner for the idente mission of Soa (Cameroon) in which members of the idente family of Murcia and other friends have participated.

Among those present was the sister of Maria del Carmen Hernandez Parra, idente missionary who died in Venezuela very young, who told the beautiful and edifying story of her sister and our brother Efren, who appeared in the video that was projected from that mission, leaving us all impressed and edified. Efren and Carmen were engaged for five years, but both agreed to consecrate themselves to God as idente religious.

During dinner, our sister María Fernanda, who moved from Madrid for this purpose, explained our beautiful idente mission in Soa in its different aspects and her desire that those who live there may do so with all the fullness and dignity of children of God.

The dinner had a warm and familiar atmosphere. Many other friends of ours who could not come contributed with their economic donation for this Cameroonian mission.

From the idente community of Murcia we are grateful for the generosity with which the members of the idente family have worked so that this act of solidarity could have been organized, the solidarity of those who have helped financially to continue our work in Soa and finally to the owner of the restaurant El cuentavinos, where the dinner took place, for giving us the ham that was raffled.