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Opening of the centenary of the birth of Fernando Rielo in the Philippines

By 24 January, 2023No Comments

On December 4, in the Chapel of St. Peter’s Church in Quezon City, Manila, Philippines, more than 150 members of the Idente family gathered to celebrate the beginning of the centennial of the birth of Fernando Rielo, founder of the Idente missionaries. Among the attendees, the young people who participate in all our activities were present; the members of the Idente Family, and the Idente missionaries of Manila.

The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr. Rodrigo Vázquez, a great friend of our institution. In his homily he showed his amazement at how, at such a young age, Fernando Rielo defended his faith the moment he received his First Holy Communion. He also highlighted the heroic way in which the founder of the Idente missionaries obeyed our Heavenly Father with total innocence at all times of his life.

This celebration was an opportunity for the attendees to express their feelings of personal gratitude to Fernando Rielo and the Idente Charism, which they have all welcomed as a fundamental part of their lives and their spiritual growth. They also expressed their requests for intercession, fully believing and trusting that Fernando Rielo is truly interceding for the holiness and spiritual needs of each of them.

It was very nice to see children, youth and adults aspiring to be saints through their simple acts of love. They are the living testimony of Christ’s words: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in their midst.”