On Monday, October 7, two Idente Missionaries, Subin Wilson, M.Id (India), and Jinwoo Michael Nam, M.Id (South Korea), received the minor order of Lector, at a solemn Mass celebrated at St. Joseph’s Seminary, outside of New York City. The prelate who installed them in the Ministry of Lector was Bishop Gerald Walsh, an auxiliary Bishop of New York, who was the former rector of the seminary. In his homily he called the candidates to minor orders to a life of service that is grounded in a life of prayer and personal offering. He told them that the Church today was in need of healthy, happy and holy priests. The minor order of Lector confers on those on the way to the priesthood the responsibility for reading aloud excerpts of scripture at a liturgy.
In this Mass, Most Rev. Alex Vadakumthala, Bishop of Kannur, Kerala, India, a friend of the Idente Missionaries, who was in New York, concelebrated the Mass. The Provincial Superior of the United States, Fr. Robert Badillo, M.Id, concelebrated the Mass as well.
Subin Ditto, from the Diocese of Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India, who met the Idente Missionaries in his native India, has been a professed missionary since 2011; and Michael Nam, from Seoul, Korea, met the Idente Missionaries in Manila, Philippines, and was professed an Idente Missionary in New York in 2015.