Last Sunday, October 20, World Mission Day 2019, the Institute Id of Christ the Redeemer received a new mission in Madrid in the person of Fr. Gabriel Córdoba Rodríguez, who assumed charge of the parish of San Miguel de los Santos (C/López de Hoyos 39).
The celebration was presided over by the vicar of the area, D. Juan Carlos Vera Gállego, in addition to the superior general of the idente missionaries Fr. Luis Casasús was present along with other idente priests, the former parish priest and some other priests of the area.
The liturgy for the taking up of office of the new parish priest took place in a familiar atmosphere. The parishioners took care of every detail with simplicity and good taste to welcome not only the parish priest but also his family as expressed in the entrance monition.
The homily of the vicar on the occasion of the World Mission Day 2019 reminded all those present that as baptized we were already sent on mission and even more so the Idente missionaries.
At the end of the Mass, Fr. Gabriel addressed a few words of gratitude to the former pastor and his vicar and to his parishioners, who listened to him full of expectation. He could not hide his emotion, especially when he recalled the teachings received directly from Fernando Rielo “… he taught us to love our Church, always and in all the circumstances of our life”. His emotion was contagious throughout the assembly and they answered with a thunderous applause.
Afterwards, the parish community had prepared a small sharing in the parish halls, where they took advantage of the occasion to approach him and greet him personally. He showed his gratitude for having him in the parish and his willingness to collaborate in whatever he needed.