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Beautiful testimony of Isabel Orellana in the celebration of her 50 years as a missionary idente

By 1 October, 2019January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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On September 25, 1969, in the National Library of Spain, our sister Isabel found her idente vocation. She herself has narrated how was that moment that gave a Copernican twist to her life in the web of the archdiocese of Seville

To celebrate it on September 23rd, the celebration of the Holy Mass of thanksgiving took place in the parish entrusted to us idente missionaries: the Annunciation of Our Lady and St. John XXIII. An act presided over by the Episcopal vicar and diocesan delegate of the clergy Rafael Muñoz, Philippian, who was concelebrated by the diocesan delegate of the media, Adrián Ríos, the pastor of the Sevillian town of Salteras, Martín González and our brother Juan Manuel Morrilla Delgado, pastor of our parish.

Accompanying our sister Isabel were missionaries from Seville and Constantine, a representation of the Idente Family and Idente Youth, university professors, members of the diocesan media, friends… all dear people who help us and knew how to appreciate the spiritual meaning of this celebration.

The homily given by our brother Juan Manuel, dedicated to Mary, was profound and beautiful, speaking to those present of the richness of the idente charism and of some signs placed by our Father and Founder on the Virgin. Before the final blessing Elizabeth gave a strong testimony of her idente vocation. She said that providentially this celebration took place in her parents’ native land, where Mary is loved so much, and in a parish dedicated to Her, narrating how since she was 14 years old, in a diary she was writing those times, she would ask the Virgin daily to help her to become a saint. That is why she believes that it was She who led her to what she called her first encounter with Christ that September evening when she was 17 years old.

From him she drew six considerations that allowed her to qualify some of the teachings of our beloved Father and Founder: 1) The apostolic ardour of the missionaries who spoke to her. 2) The clarity of the evangelical message he received. 3) The necessary prior opening of the heart. 4) Accompaniment as something essential. 5) The religious vocation is not a prison; it does not curtail happiness. And 6) Holiness is a way to be covered day by day.

All this by thanking God for the gift of faith, her parents who prepared her to receive it, our beloved Father and Founder, our Superiors, brothers and sisters who have accompanied her, and praying to all to pray for her holiness. She said that the only thing she wants for the rest of her life is to be faithful to the idente charism because it means loving Christ and his Church. Then the Episcopal Vicar addressed Elizabeth to thank her for her fidelity, her being a blessing for the Church encouraging her never to forget that first love.

At the end there was a delicious agape, exquisitely prepared by Marcos, husband of Carmen Meléndez, director of the painting school of our idente monastery of Constantina, both members of the Idente Family. During this special meal, Isabel gave everyone a copy of her first book, dedicated to Christ and published on the silver anniversary of her consecration: The Gospel speaks to young people. It has been a memorable date full of blessings that has helped to make our charism known and to show the insondable beauty of a vocation.