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October 15 is the deadline to apply for the Thirty nine Fernando Rielo World Prize for Mystical Poetry

By 10 October, 2019January 3rd, 2023No Comments

The deadline for submitting works to the XXXIX Fernando Rielo World Prize for Mystical Poetry, convened annually by the Fernando Rielo Foundation, is 15 October, the day of Saint Teresa of Jesus. We publish below an extract of its bases that can be downloaded in its entirety on the website of the Fernando Rielo Foundation.

1. Works of poetry, unpublished in their entirety, origi- nally written in either Spanish or English or translated into one of thesetwolanguagesshallbeeligibleforthe Fernando Rielo World Prize for Mystical Poetry. Works that have previously been published or posted in part or as a whole on social networks, blogs, webs, or any other medium, will not be admitted.

2. Each entry must be presented by its author. The minimum length for entries shall be 600 lines not to exceed 1300. For this yearly award, a given work of poetry may not be submitted repeatedly. Neither may it include poems or fragmentsalreadypresentedinpast yearsfor this Prize, nor poems or fragments that were already awarded other Prizes o are pending thejury’sdecision for other Prizes.

3. The Prize shall be awarded for mystical poetry express- ing the profound religious significance of the human per- son’s spiritualvalues.

4. The Prize shall consist of 7,000 euros and the publication of the entry selected. The Prize shall be awarded for a single entry. It may not be awarded in the absence of a suitable work. Never the less, the Jury may grant “Special Mention” to one or more of the finalists.

7. Entries must be sent via electronic mail as a single document in PDF format. No other format will be admitted. The first page of the document must be are the title of the work, the author’s full name, his or her complete postal address (including city, state, country, nationality), email address, and telephone number.

8. The deadline for submitting entries shall be October 15, 201 9 , and all entries postmarked on or before this date shall be accepted.
