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Motus Christi

Let Christ move your life: Motus Christi International Italy 2018

By 10 July, 2018January 3rd, 2023No Comments

From August 5 to 11, 2018, the new edition of the International Motus Christi will take place in Arpino (Italy), organized every year by Idente missionaries in Italy, as an encounter of spirituality aimed at young people from all over the world. On this occasion, under the usual motto “Let Christ set your life in motion”, we will deepen on the words of Christ: “Be holy, as your Heavenly Father is holy” (Mt, 5, 48) taking as a thread the Last Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis “Gaudete et exsultate” on the call to holiness.

Through talks on the Gospel, community and individual prayer, the Eucharist, reflection in groups, monastic work, family life, the enjoyment of the natural environment and artistic expression, we will enjoy the experience of holiness lived in common. The Motus promotes a true encounter with Jesus Christ, through community life, as a way to the heart of the Father, allowing himself to be transformed by the Holy Spirit, who inspires us that holiness is possible and eliminates the obstacles to saying yes to this call of Christ.

The meeting will take place in the Monastery of San Lorenzo, in Arpino (Frosinone, Italy), directed by the Idente missionaries of the Italian province.

As an additional activity to the retreat, the possibility of participating in the meeting of young people with the Pope that will be held on August 11 and 12 in Rome is offered. For more information you can call the Italian telephone: +39 389 875 3969 or write to