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ChiliSouth America

Formation courses in Chile for Idente missionaries from America

By 9 February, 2020January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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With the joy and emotion typical of the meeting between brothers, on arrival at the airport of Santiago de Chile one could already glimpse the days of joy and communion experienced in the formation courses for America, held from 26 December 2019 to 4 January 2020 and from 7 to 14 January 2020, at the Monastery of Our Lady of Mystical Life, Graneros, Chile.

For the first time this course is being held in America, with missionaries coming from the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Chile. Each course was attended by about 40 participants, and the second was attended by the President of our institution, Jesús Fernández Hernández. Our brothers José María López Sevillano, Juana Sánchez-Gey and Fernando Real Ferrero have also participated.

In an atmosphere of loving coexistence, topics of deep spiritual life were discussed, centered on the ascetic and mystical life. There were also work groups and round tables where missionary experiences were shared in all the fields in which we move, being a great enrichment for all.

The President shared with us the interest with which he has followed the social situation of Chile, knowing its needs, which he has accompanied with his prayer, along with that of the whole Institute.

He exhorted us to live the holiness to which Christ calls us in the Gospel: “Be holy as our heavenly Father is holy” Mt 5:48. “Trust in grace. To live holiness in common requires humility”. Referring to a current thought that states that the devil has induced Christians to believe that holiness is not possible, he expressed that this disbelief was the origin of many evils, affirming, likewise, that it is possible and encouraging us to witness to it with our lives.

In the course of these days, we had the grace of celebrating the perpetual vows and diaconal ordination of our brother Luis Carlos Riaño, of Colombian origin, the latter being presided over by the Bishop of Rancagua, Mgr Fernando Ramos.

It is also worth noting the moments of great creativity in the athenaeums held, in which the best wishes were shown for sharing the talents and fine humour of the brothers and sisters, with performances characterised by good taste, for the enjoyment of all.

We thank God the Father for these days of heavenly coexistence, full of affection, joy and peace, feeling the mystical presence of our Father and Founder, Fernando Rielo, very much alive among us.