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Czech Republic

Profession of vows of our Slovak brother Michal Kočiš in Prague

By 16 March, 2018January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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On March 10, 2018, at 5:30 p.m., our brother Michal Kočiš made his apostolic profession and celibate consecration in the parish church of the Nativity of Mary in Prague – Michle during the Holy Mass. The missionaries Antonín Lukeš, Antonio Vicente Pérez and Alberto Giralda concelebrated the ceremony. The church was quite full and among those present were eleven members of Michal’s family, who had come from Slovakia on a long and uncomfortable journey, among which were his parents and all his brothers. Also present were our common-life sisters from Bratislava, Jana and Magdalena, as well as young friends or family members, especially from Prague and some from Slovakia.

The main celebrant, who took the vows, was our brother Alberto Giralda, initiator of the idente foundation of Prague in 1991 and currently Provincial Superior of Rome (Italy). The Mass was realised with solemnity in all its details, thanks to the participation of friends and parishioners. After the mass, there was a celebration in the parish house (residence of the missionaries), in a very celebratory and joyful atmosphere.

All attendees were very happy with this act, which ended around 7:30 p.m. Good taste was noticeable in all things, the solemnity within simplicity, and the attitude and countenance of our brother. Among the testimonies, apart from the emotion experienced by everyone, especially by Michal’s parents, it could be highlighted that of a woman who saw during the ceremony a change in our brother, in the form of a brightness and a different face, as an external manifestation of the charism that he was receiving.