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‘Painting smiles around the world’, twinning project between Constantine and Abancay

By 16 June, 2019January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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Last June 12, a delegation of the painting school “El Gurugú”, which has its headquarters in the idente monastery La Victoria de San José, in Constantina (Seville, Spain), travelled to our idente foundation in Abancay (Peru) to initiate a beautiful project for the children welcomed in the Home of the Child Jesus, run by the Id Institute of Christ the Redeemer, idente missionaries.

The idea of bringing joy to those children at risk of social exclusion arose last summer. And Carmen Meléndez, the director of the school and a member of Familia Idente, welcomed it with such enthusiasm that it has mobilized the town of Seville and various media: press, radio and social networks, involving many people who have embraced this generous project as their own by contributing with donations.

They had previously made some badges designed by Carmen, who is also a teacher and director of the school, a great artist, and have been acquired in all the street activities that have been carried out in recent months. Parish Caritas has also contributed a cheque for our mission in Abancay.

Previously a shipment of books and other materials left Cadiz on the way to Abancay and now this team headed by Carmen and two other members of the school are already taking their first steps in the Home of the Child Jesus.

Their return will take place on the 9th of July. Afterwards, a team of professionals will make a video that will be broadcast to the locality in the assembly hall of the Constantine Town Hall in August. We thank Carmen for her unstoppable eagerness to help the idente missions that has taken her now to this beautiful Andean country, meeting again with our brother Tomás Gordo Barbero, who now governs the Home of the Child Jesus, as he did before with the idente monastery of Constantina.