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Motus ChristiPeru

Motus Christi from the quarantine: A church on the way out

By 21 April, 2020January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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For two weekends, as a result of true creativity and apostolic generosity, thousands of people from America, Asia, Europe and Africa have been making several #MotusChristi online.

These meetings, thanks to the media, are an opportunity to let Christ move our lives, to have a minute of silence and to listen to the word of the Father, who consoles us, comforts us and encourages us to live with true hope the difficult moments that face our beloved humanity.

In the last Motus Christi, Fr. Jesús Fernández Hernández, president of the Idente Missionaries, reminded us that “all human beings have a sacred space: prayer”; and he encouraged us to make the Gospel the center of our lives, since Christ informs, forms and transforms us, as true children of the Father.

From Peru, young people and families have participated in these meeting spaces, showing the joy of being a Church on the move in spite of the time of quarantine that we are living. An outgoing church that crosses borders and makes us brothers in Christ “because where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst. (Matthew 18:20)