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The best catechesis for the children of Sangüesa: Celebrate Christmas with the Elderly

By 19 January, 2018January 3rd, 2023No Comments

On December 10, on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, the missionaries of Javier (Navarra, Spain) had the opportunity to share an afternoon with the children of catechists and catechists of Sangüesa, visiting the elders of the residence of this population. For this celebration, we organized an athenaeum, in which the children participated singing Christmas carols and playing the instruments they are learning at the School of Music of Sangüesa; and the women missionaries with the catechists and the parish priest sang a carol. Finally, the children distributed the cards they had made to congratulate the grandparents on Christmas.

It was an evening of great joy and happiness for all, and especially for the elderly, who expressed their gratitude for remembering them and for the moment of joy and affection that the children had given them.