This month of October, coinciding with the beginning of the pastoral year of every parish and with the missionary month, there has been a very intense and fruitful apostolic activity in our parish of the Annunciation of Our Lady and St. John XXIII, of Seville (Spain).
On the one hand, there is already a large group of children in the parish who are serving as altar servers at Masses, which fills the Eucharistic celebrations with joy and light. The dream of the President of the idente missionaries, Fr. Jesús Fernández, is being fulfilled, of seeing the altars of our churches surrounded by numerous vested little boys and girls.
On the other hand, the grown-ups have also had their time of growth and momentum in their spiritual life through the Motus Christi celebrated last Sunday, October 29. The name means the movement of Christ and the retreat receives that name because it seeks to be a moment of such experience and intimacy with Christ that we allow Him to move in our interior and move us to follow his path.
Sunday, October 22, World Missions Sunday, was also a special day because our brother Juan Manuel Morilla, parish priest, sent all the groups of the parish on a mission, imprinting on them the sign of a deeply apostolic parish community.
- Momento del envío misionero de los grupos parroquiales el día del Domund
- Otro momento del envío de los grupos parroquiales
- Isabel Orellana, misionera idente, impartiendo una charla en el Motus Christi en la parroquia
- Parte de los participantes en el Motus Christi de la parroquia