Since December 2017, the Institute Id of Christ the Redeemer has been entrusted with the task of formation and accompaniment of young people belonging to the Vicariate II (the general headquarters of missionaries belongs to this vicariate) of the Archdiocese of Madrid.
This commission was received from the one who was until recently the vicar of this area, D. José Cobo, currently auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese.
Ana Isabel Sánchez, Idente missionary is the one who has carried out this task. The training and accompaniment itinerary contains a series of topics of interest in today’s society and are taught monthly.
The outline of the courses has been: Prayer, Master lecture, rest, continuation with the talk and charismatic touch.
The topics for this first round of courses have been:
- Affectivity Taught by Elena Peces, Idente missionary, graduated in Religious Sciences and Masters in Family.
2. Accompaniment. Taught by Juana Sánchez-Gey, Idente missionary, professor at the UAM, PhD in Philosophy and Bachelor of Theology.
3. Science and faith. Taught by Mara Pelayo Baldárrago, Idente missionary, graduated in Physical Sciences and Master in Astrophysics.
4. New networks in evangelization. Father Julián Lozano of the Diocese of Getafe, Media Delegate. Grauated in Journalism, member of iMisión
and Sandra Ocampo, Editor-in-Chief of LaContra.TV
5. Ecology. Laudato Si. Taught by Alberto Sánchez, Family Doctor and Bachelor in Theology and Miguel Ángel García Telecommunications Engineer, from the Ecosocial Sensitization Team of the Parish of Nª Sª de Las Rosas; members of the Christianity and Ecology collective.
The next course to be held on May 12 is entitled Religion and pseudo-religion, and will be taught by Mª Fernanda Lacilla, Idente missionary, Doctor of Philosophy and Bachelor of Theology; Professor of Fundamentals of Education at the Ecclesiastical University of San Dámaso, has been professor of Religious Fact, at the Theological Center of Getafe and several years of Comparative Religions at the CEU senioribus University and Diego Solera, Master on Science of Religions. Graduated in Complutense Philosophy of Madrid. Member of the Iberian Society of Greek Philosophy. Member of the Association Tales. Member of the Association of Young Researchers in the Sciences of Religions.
To participate in these courses, each parish of the Vicariate has been informed of the registration process, and both from the organization and from each parish they proceeded to the diffusion.
Each course on the part of its speakers has tried to leave firm foundations on the subject treated, for the defense of the faith and growth in it.
For those interested in participating in this last course, you can register at: https://goo.gl/forms/yvWEGvkCad65J9cF2 The course will take place at the premises of the VicariaII (C / Ignacio Ellacuria 2) on May 12 from 10:00h to 2:00 p.m. with a total cost of 2 euros.