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Give testimony of the Father also in times of the pandemic

By 4 September, 2020January 3rd, 2023No Comments
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The pandemic, a difficult time, but at the same time a blessed occasion, has given us new Idente apostolic possibilities all over the world through online communication. In the Philippines, Christ has given us the opportunity to reach people through the opening of Local and National Motus Christi since May. This apostolic work -as our beloved Father Founder teaches us- has only one essence: “to give testimony of our Heavenly Father”.
Through the talks imparted by Mª del Carmen García Viyuela and by Fr. Luis Casasús General Superiors of the Idente Missionaries men and women respectively about Our Lord´s Prayer, children, young people and adults from Manila and from other provinces of the Philippines are growing in their relationship with God and discovering His loving and close presence in their lives.
Mª del Carmen in one of her talks about “What is the meaning of my life?” encouraged us to live open to the infinite because in that openness we receive the meaning of what we are looking for. She added that we are beings who communicate to each other.
One of the young people said “I received through all of our sharing a new light and new impression from our Heavenly Father. I am more determine now after what I received today to approach and interact with others, keeping in my mind that God created all of us. In this way, I would not take any one for granted and to interact and build authentic relationships because of love, God´s love. Through this specific action, I could live a life of holiness”.
Also, in another talk given by Fr. Luis about the Will of the FATHER, he expressed that the HE manifests His Will by engraving it in our hearts or through the Holy Spirit, who reminds us of it in many ways and Christ gives us a living example of how to make it a reality. “Sometimes we can´t hear the Father not because He doesn´t speak to us but because we want to do our own will” recognize another participant.

We would like to share other phrases mentioned by several of the participants in their charismatic touch or in their personal testimony:
“The fulfillment of God’s work is not about the effort, the words or the work that I put, but in my willingness to cooperate and obey His will. Charmie (Member of the Idente Family)

“I am so happy that I have been guided by the Idente Missionaries; my eyes were opened to discover that the purpose of our life is to be holy”. Mariel (Member of the Idente Family)

“Always choose Christ until it becomes a habit! That is holiness”. Iris (Young woman in Community of Probation)
“I understand now that the most intelligent persons are those who never talk about themselves. It is about the glory of the Father in my life. That perfect life is not about my success; it’s about doing the will of the Father”. Valerie (Professed Member of Common Life)
“Then, the time came when our Heavenly Father revealed Himself to me through the Idente Missionaries. They helped me to change my understanding. I found our FATHER´s love, His infinite and unconditional love. He created me out of love and He infused his Spirit in me so that I may be united to His eternal love. I feel that I am so special for Him”. Carla (Member of the Idente Family)
These testimonies are expression of our immense gratitude to the Divine Persons who through the intercession of our beloved Father Founder are bringing us to discover what St. Paul experienced: “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.” And to make of our life a life of prayer, in the characteristic style of Fernando Rielo, where the substance of our apostolic work be always the fulfillment of his words and wishes: “Our Heavenly Father wants to be loved, He must be loved, everything we have to teach is that He may be loved.”