The 28th and 29th of September were a time of great joy as young apostles of Christ confirmed their faith, some of whom we have accompanied from a very young age…
On Saturday the 28th our parish of St. Albert Hurtado was decorated to bear witness to the faith of 36 young people and adults who were prepared by the idente missionaries.
The ceremony was celebrated by the vicar of the East, Father Manuel Paz, who in his homily expressed the importance of witnessing faith with strength and joy in daily life.
One of the culminating moments of the ceremony was at the end with the testimony of a young woman who shared her life experience, in the midst of a tremendous family difficulty, she, thanks to the faith received from her parents, the support of her friends and family, and her preparation for confirmation, came to the following determination: “God saved me, now I must save others.
The following day, Sunday 29th, took place the confirmations of nine young people and adults from the Good Shepherd parish, whose group of young people has been led by the missionaries for three years, since the creation of the pre-juvenile ministry, being a day of true communion and joy.
This Eucharist was celebrated in the Chilean style, because it is the day of prayer for Chile, and it was celebrated by Monsignor Celestino Aós, Apostolic Administrator of Santiago, who told the young people that in order to follow Christ it is not necessary to be more intelligent or better than others, but to have a heart ready to love.
At the end, one of the young women gave her testimony, saying full of gratitude: “We have grown together, God came to each of us in a different way, I have learned to make decisions with the Gospel and, as young people, we want to continue contributing to the parish and to contribute to the restoration of the Church.