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GermanyMotus Christi

An amazing unity. Pentecost Motus Christi, Bad Lautenberg, Alemania.

By 8 June, 2018June 20th, 2018No Comments
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Every year for the weekend of Pentecost takes place a Motus Christi in our center St. Benno in Bad Lauterberg, Germany. The participants came from Frankfurt Oder and Berlin. For the first time we also had children participants. The topic of the Motus was the sentence from the gospel: I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me (John 14:6).

The parish priest of Bad Lauterberg, P. Paul Chodor, had invited us beforehand to actively participate in the mass. One of our sisters and two girls helped as altar servants; in the moment of the sermon, one sister read the comment of that Sunday’s gospel from our General Superior Luis Casasus, and we prepared and read the petitions and played some songs during communion.

Sunday evening, we had a barbecue that was followed by a small atheneo with dance and poetry.

In the charismatic touch some expressed their surprised because of the unity and helpfulness with each other during the weekend. Everyone returned to their home with lots of hope to put into action what they’d heard and lived in these days.