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Idente FamilyThailand

Thailand  Idente Family Meet

By 25 July, 2017No Comments
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As every fourth Sunday of the month, on July 23rd  Idente Family gathering took place in Sarapee (Chiang Mai – Thailand). There were around 50 people including the Idente family members and friends.

Idente missionary  Yotsaya, who is native Thai gave a talk on the topic of love based on Pope Francis’s  post-synodal apostolic exhortation “Amorins Laetitia”. Yotsaya carefully explained the document with the help of a power point presentation. After the talk, there was a session of discussion and sharing. Our brother Fr.Thinnakorn M.Id encouraged everyone to participate in the conversation.

While the adults were engaged in the talk and sharing, kids out door games were prepared for their kids. Later on all joined to share some snacks and some of them sang a karaoke, which was a delight of all.

We thank God for this beautiful time of being together, sharing in harmony and friendship.