“We’ll see each other soon but meanwhile,
work in unity and hope. ”
These were the words of Pope Francis, before his apostolic trip to Peru
When the Peruvian Episcopal Conference announced the visit of Pope Francis to Peru, our country was filled with joy and hope, we were filled with memories of the previous visit (in 1985) of today’s saint, John Paul II; who visited us in a situation of social violence. Today, the social panorama has another face; a face to strengthen the faith, of God’s hunger; of need for consolation and recognition and defense of the weakest; The Holy Father chose to visit the cities of Lima, Puerto Maldonado (Madre de Dios) and Trujillo. Why these cities? He wanted to rebuild faith and hope in hearts beaten and wounded.
In the year 2017, the city of Trujillo and the cities of the north of the country were severely hit by nature. The climatic phenomenon of El Niño, hit the coast and left in its wake destroyed homes, pain and despair; However, as a dry leaf that is lifted by the wind and with the eyes set on God the Father, they have struggle and continue to struggle to get ahead. To this land came Pope Francis, to give strength to hope and not allow anyone or anything to steal it.
Puerto Maldonado, a city marked by the irrational exploitation of nature, human trafficking and oblivion to the indigenous populations of the Amazon; he visited them; It was the first time that a Pope visited the city.
In Lima, the Idente Family and all the women and men missionaries, from the first moment we heard about the Holy Father’s visit, we also went to #modoPapa. During his visit we were together in several meetings, at Av. Brasil, near our house, welcoming him; in the apostolic nunciature, in a vigil; in the Cathedral, to accompany in the veneration of the relics of the Peruvian saints; and at the mass Mass at Las Palmas Air Base; accompanied by the youth from San Marcos University, friends, relatives of the missionaries, and the Idente Family; we were in unity and in prayer.
His words have opened a path for God in our hearts, how can we not find the voice of the Holy Spirit with his gift of wisdom in his homilies? Stressing us the urgent need to do apostolate. The Pope did not stop smiling, he is a man of peace; that peace that is the fruit of love, dialogue and harmony. He has left us many messages that call us to try at all times to live with hope, without forgetting that we are all beloved children of the Father and that Christ helps us to live this filiation.
Now we have to start living all that we have been able to share, it is true that we have been touched by God and we have been able to feel, as our Father Founder tells us, the “Kiss of God”; a close God who comes to meet us, who walks with us and sets us in motion to help each other not to lose hope.
Thank you, Pope Francis (Panchito, as we call him here) for your visit and blessings, for encouraging us to live in #UnidadyEsperanza, for your life, for the joy you have transmitted; May you know, Holy Father, that the women and men missionaries, the Idente Family of the entire world, pray every day for you.