On July 14, the Spanish doctor Susana Gerechter arrived in Iquitos (Peru), accompanied by a young doctor and two young medical students. They continued with the development of the project “Humanization of medicine” and the cooperation in prevention and education for good health. The medical activities were in the hamlets of Fray Martín, Santa Rita, San José de Lupuna; places where the conditions of medical attention are scarce. The willingness and desire to help people made them embark on this journey, overcoming the difficulties that the nature of this place imposes: heat and rain.
The people they reached showed their joy and gratitude for the visit of these young doctors willing to offer their help, being of vital importance the medical attention to children, expectant mothers and the elderly. They also left medicines in donation to fight the anemia, and parasitosis.
They also gave a lecture on osteoporosis in which the staff of the Regional Hospital was present.
It is touching to see how the Heavenly Father, with his tenderness, touches souls so that they give their lives in work, in the service and love of neighbor. We organized a farewell dinner, and on July 29 they left for their country leaving us their enthusiasm, gratitude and appreciation of life.