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For the publication of the Proceedings of the World Conference “Fernando Rielo: founder, thinker, poet” (25.26.27 October 2023 | online) the author has to send:

  1.  the final text
  2. and the Copyright Assignment Consent (CTA) file.

Deadline submission: January 31, 2024

Please download and carefully follow the Author’s Guide, the CTA and the Text Template to send them through this form.


If there are several authors, it is sufficient for one representative to fill out the form. The final text for publication to be sent to the secretariat should be only one.
Instead, for the CTA, the representative designated to complete the form has to send a single PDF containing all the CTAs of each author. (The CTA is individual).

    Formulario de envío publicaciones/ Publication Submission Form:

    Título / Función / Title/Function:

    Nombre* / First Name*:

    Apellidos* / Last Name*:

    Fecha de nacimiento (dd/mm/aa)* / Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy)*:

    Lugar de nacimiento (ciudad/país)* / Place of Birth (city/country)*:

    Nacionalidad / Nationality:

    Organización o afiliación institucional (si corresponde) / Institutional Affiliation (if applicable):



    Por favor, seleccione su área temática del Congreso / Please select your Conference topic area:

    Adjuntar el texto completo para su publicación (formato: docx): * /
    Attach the complete text for publication (format: docx): *

    Adjuntar el CTA firmado por cada autor (formato: PDF) / Attach the CTA signed by each author (format: PDF): * /