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University pilgrimage to the sanctuary of Marie Médiatrice of Etoudi, Yaoundé

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The young university students of the S. Peter and S. Paul parish of Soa under the initiative of the “Marian Youth” group made the Second edition of the pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine of Mary Mediatrice in Etoudi, Yaoundé. They travelled 13 Km from the university parish of Soa on Saturday morning, 10th of August in preparation for the Assumption of Mary in Heaven.
After attending the 12:00 am Mass at the Shrine, they went to the Idente Youth Centre in Etoudi where they were welcomed by the Idente missionaries. After the welcome, the group received the blessing of Father Efren. They still had enough strength to play and prepare the table for the sharing of a meal. They returned to SOA with renewed strength and trust in Mary’s intercession.