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Pedagogy of Ecstasy: First international online course for Ecuador and Peru

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The Pedagogy of Ecstasy unites us to continue growing together in the important work of guiding the lives of the children and young people that Providence entrusts to us. With this desire, last October 20, the 1st International Course of Pedagogy of Ecstasy began in the schools that we run in Ecuador and Peru.

The schools Pérez Pallares in Quito and La Victoria de Ibarra in Ecuador and the school Nuestra Señora de La Luz in Lima – Peru join to participate in this space of formation. The course is taught by Dr. Maria Fernanda Lacilla Ramas, Idente Missionary, researcher at the Idente School and Director of the Pedagogy Classroom of the Fernando Rielo Foundation.

It consists of 5 online sessions, which will serve as a basis for the Institutional Educational Project and the collegiate work between the three Educational Centers that have been developing this pedagogy in their educational practices.

Maria Fernanda Lacilla, started from the following questions: What is the Pedagogy of Ecstasy? What is its contribution to the educational and humanistic field? The Pedagogy of Ecstasy, proposed by Fernando Rielo, It has a solid anthropological foundation from a new paradigm, which he calls theanthropic, because of its constitutive openness to the Absolute, who defines and makes us in his image and likeness.

This implies not only to remain in what can be the composition of human nature, but the key to the mystery of his being as a person, where he finds his deepest reason for being that accounts for all his aspirations and concerns. Education, from this key of understanding, is directed to the formation of the person in an integral way, knowing that it has to attend to all the levels of its nature: body, soul and spirit, all its spheres and dimensions.

This foundation strengthens the educational action that corresponds to the teacher: more than instruction, the integral formation of people: that is: to form the being+ (more) inscribed in the human spirit, to form its ecstatic energy. In this work Christ is the model, foundation and direction. 

This first international course is a milestone in the educational action of the schools run by the Idente Missionaries. We say goodbye with some words from Fernando Rielo who always invites us to surprise the other:

“Don’t approach the other with the usual routine
Surprise him
You will see how he shows happy eyes
and then away from you…
will recite your name”.