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Twenty young people receive the Confirmation in the university parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Soa (Cameroon)

On the 21st of June 2020, 20 students from St. Peter and St. Paul University Parish in Yaoundé II-Soa received the sacrament of Confirmation together with other students from St. Francis Xavier University Parish in Yaounde I. The ceremony took place in the parish of St. Francis Xavier and was presided over by Archbishop Emeritus Mgr Pirenne.

On the first Sunday of July, celebrating the solemnity of our patrons, St. Peter and St. Paul, Baptisms of catechumens, babies, and First Communions were celebrated.

Our Brothers, Fr. José Manuel Ballesteros, Provincial Superior of Yaoundé, and Eleuthère Messape, both Idente missionaries, with the catechists, accompanied the young people on this day which was very important in their lives. There were young Cameroonians and Chadians who are studying at the University of Yaunde 2 Soa and who find in the university parish a place where they meet, feel home and strengthen their faith.

In these months of pandemic, they have shown tenacity and perseverance, which has been rewarded with the reception of the sacraments. The Holy Spirit, Comforter and Living Fire, will continue to accompany them in the trials of life, auguring for them a life of holiness.