On November 30, 2023, hundreds of Idente Family members gathered at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the heart of New York City for the closing celebration of Fernando Rielo’s centenary. The solemn Mass was celebrated by His Excellency Bishop James Massa, Rector of St. Joseph’s Major Seminary, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn, and member of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Doctrine. Concelebrants included all the Idente Missionary priests of the New York Province, including the General Superior, Fernando Real, M.Id; Bishop Luis Miguel Romero, M.Id; and the Provincial Superior of the United States, Robert Badillo, M.Id, Pastor of Our Lady of Solace-St. Dominic Parish in the Bronx. Also concelebrating were our brothers Felipe Rufes, M.Id, Pastor of Our Lady of Loretto Parish in Hempstead; Roland Pereira, M.Id and Michael Nam, M.Id, Associate Pastors of O.L. of Loretto Parish; Martin Esquerra, M.Id, Pastor of St. Luke’s Parish in Brentwood; Associate Pastors Francisco Sanchez, M.Id, Ditto Subin, M.Id; and Fr. Camilo Lugo; and Fr. Samuel Arancibia, visiting from Chile. Present at the solemn mass was the Provincial Superior of the sister’s branch in New York, Elaine Schenk, M.Id, along with other sisters and brothers Idente Missionaries. To everyone’s delight, the solemn procession was led by nearly 70 acolytes vested in their white robes, like heavenly citizens.
Bishop Massa sincerely welcomed the Idente Family, including members of the three parishes administered by the Idente Missionaries, and elsewhere, including two of our brothers from California. In his homily, Bishop Massa pointed out the importance of the testimony of Fernando Rielo, who was called by the Father to promote filial consciousness among all peoples, founded in the Father’s creational kiss of the human person. He said that Fernando Rielo’s teaching brings us back to the deep meaning of our baptism, to recognize ourselves as the beloved sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Bishop Massa praised the good works of our Founding Father, the fruits of which abound.
All could appreciate the fruits and growth of the life and work of Fernando Rielo, which have become so evident for the Church in the Province of the United States. Fernando Rielo’s teachings and charism speak to the heart of youth, of intellectuals, of people of different cultures from around the world. Truly, this Institute was created for the present time.
Link to the Holy Mass celebrated at St Patrick’s cathedral in New York City.