As Labor Day was being celebrated in the United States, some young people from WYP New York, taking advantage of the wonderful day, went on a hike. The hike lasted an hour and a half, so those with less experience were able to learn from the more experienced hikers, amidst a conversation in which everyone shared their occupations and their aspirations for the future, in the spirit of the Universal Youth Parliament, which for many was something new. When we reached the top, we were able to look out over the Hudson River. We experienced firsthand what Fernando Rielo, founder of the Idente missionaries and the WYP, invited us to do: «Look at the earth from the sky».
To «break the ice», the young people of the WYP had prepared a dynamic in which they shared their experiences, presenting what the WYP meant to them, and inviting all those present to participate in this exciting experience of learning and growth. There was also a demonstration of what a WYP session could be like, and with that came an interesting dialogue that left us wanting more. It was an extraordinary day. When we returned we had the feeling that it was the first time we had walked the path. And indeed, we were not the same on the way back as we were on the way up.