Our Lady of Loretto’s Parish, administered by Idente Missionaries in Hempstead, New York, held an installation of acolytes during the 7 PM Mass on Saturday, February 10th, 2024. Forty-nine acolytes (thirty-nine experienced ones and ten new ones) received a blessing of installation from the Pastor of our Lady of Loretto, Fr. Felipe Rufes, M.Id. Also, the parents of these acolytes also received a blessing, because their roles of forming and supporting acolytes are very essential. During the ceremony, the acolytes received certificates and cross necklaces and declared their promise to persevere in their service to Jesus Christ. Another twenty acolytes are waiting to be installed in June or July this year. Let us pray for their continuous growth in enthusiasm of love for our Heavenly Father. We also deeply appreciate all the prayers and labors of Brother Don Sunit, M.Id, who used to help out the School of Acolytes, and of all the coordinators of the School, such as Sister Elaine Schenk, M.Id, Olga Romero, Mina Arriola, Leo Juarez, Isabel Klarberg, Yeni Ardon, and Fr. Michael Nam M.Id.