«I am very happy, because from today my parents will be able to see me serving God,» said one of the new altar servers after the ceremony. On December 18, sixteen new altar servers were commissioned at St. Mary’s parish in the Bronx, New York. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Robin Sahaya. Loyce Pinto and Jonathan Ibarra, the Idente missionaries in charge of the formation of these little ones who from now on will serve at the altar, were present. In the homily, Fr. Robin invited everyone to take St. Joseph as an example of life: a model of obedience and humility.
The commissioning was given by the pastor of St. Mary’s, Fr. Cristobal Martin, an Idente missionary. It was a very special moment, given that, because of the pandemic, this moving ceremony could not be celebrated for the last two years. Many of the parents of the altar servers were moved when their children received the crosses; and the new altar servers were very happy to undertake this new mission. One altar server said, «after having seen other senior altar servers serve during mass, I am excited that I will finally be able to serve too».