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Celebrating the day of our Heavenly Father

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“To have a Heavenly Father who will be with you through thick or thin”, that is the overall impression from the Idente youth and Idente family who gave their testimonies during the celebration.

The day of our Heavenly Father, instituted by Fernando Rielo, was celebrated in Manila on Sunday, April 28th, by the Idente Missionaries in Manila by listening to the spiritual lesson of their president, Luis Casasús, followed by the Holy Mass and the “Athenaeum”: an artistic gathering to share talents. The event was attended by members of Idente Missionaries, Idente Family, Idente Youth and other friends invited by them.

Celebrating the Father, together with the consciousness of being His children, has been the essence of the event. During the Holy Mass presided by Rev. Fr. Rodrigo O. Vásquez, Vicar for the Religious, has been the visible sign of unity of each member, as each one reflects on the Word of Christ and with enthusiasm sing with the choir, composed of Idente Missionary sisters, together with several Idente Youth members. The Idente Youth members who experienced singing as choir for the first time were filled with joy, which is the fruit of their generosity.

Through the “Athenaeum”, they transmitted their experience of Heavenly Father’s love and mercy through spoken poetry, recitation of written poems, dance, songs and testimonies as well. Hearing those creative expressions of gratitude and realizations, the people were moved to be more attentive to the presence of Heavenly Father in their lives.

The celebration was made possible because of the collaborative efforts of all the Idente members, that made the event intimate and special to the hearts of each one. While planning and working, each one is truly united in the same spirit of love to our Heavenly Father, who is the source and inspiration of all the efforts for the realization of the event, which is most awaited for Idente members, because the Father is the heart of all their dreams and daily activities.