Today’s Gospel speaks to us about the parable of the sower and especially about the weeds. Our mind and our will are like a field that must be prepared, that must be fertilized. Prayer prepares our mind and will and the good seed bears fruit in positive and generous thoughts, desires to do good and not to harm anyone. But sometimes we don’t devote a single minute to God, a minute in which not to think about our interests, about what I should or shouldn’t do at that moment.
We have to know that in every moment of our life Christ thought of you as he thought of me and loved you in spite of his painful life. In spite of his passion and suffering he had your needs before his mind and eyes. He wanted to share all his joys with you, especially in prayer and the Eucharist. Christ had in his passion and death your holiness, that fullness of love. He felt labor pains, as St. Paul says, for your happiness, with an immense love and he only asks you to trust him.When we don’t do it, that’s when the evil one comes and introduces the weed which is discouragement, which is oppression, anguish, sadness. That is part of the weed, apart from our pride, our selfishness, our vanity.
But we are convinced that we have sown in the mind and the will thoughts that seem positive and good wishes for God and for people, when in fact this is not the case. For example, we believe that murmuring is not so bad, and we do, and that is part of the weed. That wishing something bad on people is not so bad. At first we don’t notice the difference between certain positive thoughts and those we know are not so positive. But as time goes by they begin to grow and these thoughts are like real walls that sometimes paralyze us and take away the joy and happiness from our heart.
And where do these thoughts come from? Christ says it in today’s parable: when we sleep, when we truly forget to have those moments every day of silence to listen to the voice of God in our heart.
We must also know that the Holy Spirit’s mission is to purify us, to cleanse us, to remove the weeds. That is why Christ says: Wait, it is He who will do All you have to do is offer no resistance and He will do it for you. Don’t offer obstacles, don’t prevent it, don’t put it off until tomorrow when the Spirit tells you: now, at this moment!
For example in the selfish persons, in the exaggerated selfish persons, we all have some selfishness but we talk about that exaggeration that deforms everything. Their love of good is, in short, for the selfish ones, love of self and this is a confusion because the exaggerated love of self is the weed and the love of good is the grain of wheat.That weed, that tare makes you rigid and with it you lose your freedom, that inner freedom that is a gift God has given you.
The tares are your beloved self, but the good seed, the grain of wheat, which will bear much fruit is the love of our Heavenly Father for each one of us. It is an authentic, strong, lucid love. The good seed, the wheat, has as its fruit a leafy tree that gives rise to the following questions:Do I act out of love? Do I really act out of love? Or do I act out of love for myself? Why or for whom do I do what I’m doing every day? For love of me? For love of people?
The origin and end of our thoughts is our Father in Heaven who loves us madly. The weed leads you wildly to seek affection but affection desperately and to be loved dearly. From this weed we know that it produces negative fruits, which also prevent generosity and produce fear.Afraid of what? To the failures that sometimes occur in life, which encourages lying, insincerity.
The weed makes you grow impatient and want to be above others. If we do good, which is the grain of wheat, everything flows with serenity and peace. There is no longer any concern about failure or what others will say about each of us.